What is EMLO?

The “European Maritime Law Organisation” (EMLO) was established to provide a neutral and independent forum for debate and research on issues of interest to those concerned with EU maritime affairs. We are an independent body and hold conferences and seminars on all aspects of EU maritime law, ranging from competition and trade to safety and the environment.

Read more about EMLO here

Webinar Programme

Our webinar programme for 2024 continues throughout the year. Click the link below to find out more, or become a member to get to hear first!

Click here to find out more


Membership of EMLO offers a series of benefits and comes in various categories.  We are a small not for profit organisation so we need your support; renewal reminders are sent out early January every year.

Find out about becoming a member

Annual Conference

The conference programme for our twenty eighth annual conference to be held at Hamburg’s NRV Yacht Club on 7-8 November is through here!

Click here to find out more

The EMLO Annual conference programme is live.

The EMLO Annual conference programme is live.

The programme is now live! Click on the box above ” Annual conference” to see it and to purchase  your Earlybird tickets  and tickets to the Eisbeinessen.

So sign up  NOW for  an early evening Harbour Cruise with drinks followed by dinner at the impressive International Maritime Museum on 7 Novembe, and  the conference on the 8 November at the delightful NRV Yacht Club followed by an evening at the Eisbeinessen.

The social events are open to partners and friends to join us. They are ticketed events and spaces are strictly limited.  Come and join us for an excellent couple of days in Hamburg with the EMLO community.